06 December 2006
Why I'm Going
When I went to Ghana three years ago, I had an ideal experience. I was originally scheduled to be there for three weeks...once I got there and realized how much fun it was going to be, I extended my stay an extra few weeks. It's a decision that cost me a big chunk of change in airfare re-booking fees, but it was the best possible thing I could have done. I made great friends, had a ton of fun, and deepened my relationship with God in a way that I could never have imagined.
So when Marilyn Griffith explained that she and her husband Don would be leading a trip in January '07, it was a no-brainer for me to be a part of the team. Marilyn and Don had visited Liberia and Sierra Leone in January of 2006, and they brought back pictures and stories that brought back to me all the reasons my trip to Ghana was so great. I was hooked!
But as the trip developed, it became clear that the specific mission of this mission team would be, shall we say, outside the realm of my expertise. Most of the folks going on this trip are either doctors, nurses, or construction experts. Sadly, despite the best efforts of my father, my Scoutmasters, and the faculty of Indiana University, I am neither a medical professional nor a construction expert. So I had agreed to the trip but had no idea what role I might play!
So in the past few weeks, Don and Marilyn have done a great job helping me feel like I actually do have something to contribute to the team's work, and I feel like what I'll be doing is significant. I'll get to help with a Children for Peace program in Liberia. And then I'll get to know a bunch of the students and faculty in Jaiama. One of the big, exciting things we'll be working on is a video about what we're supporting in Jaiama: building projects at Jaiama Secondary School, scholarships for the students, and ongoing supply needs.
I'm going over there to hear the story, so I can tell the story. I believe that God has led us all together to do great things through us, and I just feel like it's the right thing to do.
So when Marilyn Griffith explained that she and her husband Don would be leading a trip in January '07, it was a no-brainer for me to be a part of the team. Marilyn and Don had visited Liberia and Sierra Leone in January of 2006, and they brought back pictures and stories that brought back to me all the reasons my trip to Ghana was so great. I was hooked!
But as the trip developed, it became clear that the specific mission of this mission team would be, shall we say, outside the realm of my expertise. Most of the folks going on this trip are either doctors, nurses, or construction experts. Sadly, despite the best efforts of my father, my Scoutmasters, and the faculty of Indiana University, I am neither a medical professional nor a construction expert. So I had agreed to the trip but had no idea what role I might play!

I'm going over there to hear the story, so I can tell the story. I believe that God has led us all together to do great things through us, and I just feel like it's the right thing to do.