23 January 2007


Dutch "Treat"

We're stuck in Asterda, and the "m" key on the computer I' on sticks. So any tie you don't recognize a word and have no idea what I ean, try putting an "m" in there soewhere.

Anyway, our flight fro Brussels to Asterda was delayed and, hustle as we ight, we didn't ake it to the connecting plane on tie. So we're on Plan B -- leaving Asterda at 3:30p.. and arriving in Indy around 10:20 p.. We're going to try to call everyone to let the know, but in case we iss soebody, if you're a friend or faily eber who has e-ail or phone access to our rides hoe, we'd appreciate any extra support you ight provide!

We're entertaining ourselves in the airport...our 5-EURO lunch vouchers got us a snack, and we're aking our way to our gate for boarding soon. Life is good -- we're all safe and healthy and just looking forward to being Back Hoe Again in Indiana.

Until then,

Just 12 hours until you are home! I hope we get to spend some time together next week so you can tell us all about it! Be safe!!!
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