10 January 2007


liberia, day 5 -- third try

This is my third attempt to post today. Electricity outages have interrupted two previous posts already, so I'll have to make it quick!

Our team is already a close-knit group and we have managed to share lots of things -- personal information, goals, dreams, illnesses... We seem to be passing around a little bit of tummy trouble, some of us feeling it more harshly than others. But we're in good hands with doctors Bonnie and Randy Strate! The men are feeling the sickness more than the women are -- hopefully we'll all be back to full health sooner rather than later.

Yesterday, the team was in full force with the continuing education workshops at Ganta Mission Hospital. Over 40 people attended Judy and Michele's CPR workshop, at least that many attended Rick's workshop on PO/Parenteral Something Something, and Marchusa's workshop -- the title of which I can't even guess! -- was also very well attended. We drove to the Guinea border yesterday afternoon, and some team members did some shopping at the Ganta leprosarium. After we had devotions with the Ganta School -- where we presented them with a soccer ball and some other sporting equipment -- and with the Ganta Hospital -- where they presented us with beautiful paintings -- we're back on schedule. Bonnie's doing an educational workshop this morning, some of the team is taking a tour, Michele and Chet and I are internetting, and by 1130 or so, we're all heading off on the five-hour trip from Ganta back to Monrovia.

Tonight we're having dinner with someone from the US Embassy or the US Consulate or USAID or something. I'll be sure to give you an update once I know who we've actually had dinner with! Then tomorrow, we're off to Freetown, Sierra leone!

Please keep our safe travels in your prayers. We're having a terrific, fun, and meaningful time here, and we're eager to share what we've seen, heard and learned when we get back.

You all were in the prayers of the TIME team, Kent, and Jennifer Todd tonight.

Sorry to hear the wrath of whatever is still affecting some of the team...as for the men having a harder time than the women....well, that's another story!!!

Will be interesting to find out who you ended up dining with - who every they were, they were fortunate to be entertaining all of you!

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